FreeMars T-shirts - Free Yourselves!

Started by two bored college kids looking to expand their creative sides, FreeMars is a clothing brand that combines the urban feel of underground clothing with a style normally left for more expensive apparel. Throw in a splash of music and a space influence and you get what they’re aiming for. 

FreeMars' motto summarizes their brand identity like this: "People are on a linear path. Go to school, Get the 9 to 5. Do this, Do that…blah blah blah. We represent the minority that escape from monotony. Free Yourselves".

Preorders start May 29th with Free Shipping. Check out their website HERE or contact for more details.

CO9Cloud admire these guys' bravery for refusing to toe the line and enter the rat race, so would love you all to show them some support and tell your friends. Thanks readers :-) 

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